1. Weather resistivity
A film is formed on the surface and it protects copper, thus keeping
it in the stable condition after exposed to solar heat, strong
winds and rains, heavy snow and in other weather changes.
2. Durability
Unlike other metals, copper is low in the corrosion rate and hence
lasts semipermanently.
3. Waterproof
After a certain period of time after installation, clay roofing
tiles and blue roofing tiles will leak when it rains. But copper
does not corrode and guarantees the perfect waterproof.
4. Design Quality
Thanks to its unique luster and color changes(the Color Cycle),
copper adds more beauty as time goes
5. Incombustibility
Since its not combustible, copper doesnt generate poisonous gas.
6. Installation
Copper roofing tiles are easy to install and process
7. Economic Efficiency
Copper roofing tiles do not require repairs and are high in the
recycle rate, hence it is remarkably economical.
8. Scenic feature
Copper roofing tiles are used to reproduce the roof styles of
old traditional buildings and are admirably in harmony with modern